Friday, January 7, 2011

There are two kinds of people.

There are those people who expect to get anything they want from life through hard work and their own honest effort.  These people are honest, hardworking and self- reliant.  These people believe in putting seeds into the ground, weeding it, watering it, wading of pests from devouring the seeds/plants.

And then there is a very different type of person. This is the person who expects to get those things he/she wants in life by lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating, undermining the first type of people, etc. (i.e. by whatever devious scheme or trick he can devise for getting them). This person also believe in putting in seeds into the ground, but lack the will/desire to weed, water, guard the seeds. This person also teaches others to do so. When this type of person sees the fruits ripening on the plant of the first type of person, he/she is lured into "wanting' these fruits for him/her self. Hence, such persons will utilize the energy which they could not use to weed and water their own seeds to devise means of depriving the first type of persons of the fruits of their seeds.

The first person is an individual of integrity, character and discipline. The second is a person devoid of character; a lazy, unprincipled person who wants to get everything the easy way (without working for it) or by the shortest cut available. 

Underlying these two personalities are two opposing philosophies toward life.  The first person is actuated by a philosophy that  believes in integrity and moral law.  The second person is driven by a philosophy that accepts no moral law.

Which are you?

Caveat: It takes self-truth to be able to "honestly" evaluate oneself to determine this.

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