2010 (or thereabout , according to the christian era) years ago, when the veil was rent in the temple from the top to the bottom as Jesus was crucified, access was opened to the Father directly. No more alfa, alufa, Sango, Amadioha, Ogun and the many small gods which men devised as a means of approaching the Almighty God (who they claimed was too mighty/awesome to be approached by mere mortals). The significance of this is that you and I have DIRECT access to God through Jesus (who made it possible by becoming a substitute (or ransom) for our sinful nature and we can become his righteousness (what God sees in us). It takes conviction and realization, repentance (of sins) and acceptance (of the righteousness of Jesus) to have this access. At that moment, a Father-Child relationship (no matter how young or how old one is, an adage says you remain a child to your parents) develops. The Father reveals who you are, what you have been created for, why you are here (purpose), what you ought to do; those age long questions in the hearts of many. He teaches us many things a loving Father will teach his child and demonstrate his love in good and bad times (according to human definition of events).
Some years back, I acknowledged my sins, confessed them with a repentant heart (heart desirous of living a righteous life) and accepted the gift of salvation with a new identity: a child of God, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar person (indeed), a holy nation, and started showing forth the praises of him who has called me out of darkness (yes because there was no light in my life and I stumbled on in life) into the kingdom of his dear son. As we grow in this relationship, illumination comes, we begin to understand his words as his spirit guide us into all truths. It then means we begin to live with power, love and devoid of fear (with a sound mind). Our lives become a living testimony as many begin to appreciate that you do not bow to carved images, human demi-gods, woods, water, etc but power is made available to you. This is because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man (you, yes you once you enter into this relationship) avails much and makes tremendous power available.
The love of God casts out all fear and you live free (with a consciousness of who you are but not abused freedom mind you). That decision to cry out to God changed the course of my life. I have made many mistakes (right after salvation and even up till now) but the very essence of the relationship has not changed. Most of the mistakes could be attributed to childishness, outright disobedience and immaturity but they have helped to mould me in the course of my growth and development. I am still a work-in-progress just like they say “e
glory of God”), genuinely repent of them in your heart (it’s important not to pay lip-service here (God is not Nigerian and he is not mocked), accept the salvation that Jesus brought through his death and the victory over death through his being raised up again, invite God to be the chairman of the ceremony of your life. It is a simple act of faith (believing without seeing) but it is as real as being alive.
Enjoy your new found identity!
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